Friday, March 21, 2008


Maths... Incremented. That's what it was. Not a thing this board paper had, to throw at me. You know, I actually feel angry. I have been burning my backside off for months on this subject, and what I am asked is:

f(x)= x+7
g(x)= x-7
What is (fog)(7)

Problem is, These CBSE people don't have their priorities right. Just like all the HOTS questions from Maths, (and maybe English too..) seemed to have their presence felt in the Physics Paper. Screwed up a 1 marker though. And maybe forgot to change the limits in a question. I guess 96-97 is on the cards. Not Bad. I give myself a pat on the back. The Physics blunder has been made up for.
Signing off.

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