Monday, March 31, 2008

Done and Dusted!!!!!!

Boards. Wearing the school uniform. Representing the school.
With an absolutely awesome exam came the end of my schooling life. Sob...never will I be able to get back again. I will miss all of it, especially representing my school.
But a few words about my C++ exam. Fantastic is the word. So far, no mistake has been found and god-willing, none will be found henceforth. A 100 will be a perfect answer to a certain Mrs Shally Arora, our 'honourable' teacher who commented, "Sarthak, you will never be able to get gud marks in C++". With me being sure of a 95+, i think a good answer is in the offing. To be honest, I am content with my boards. I mean, after a 40% 3 months back, I am expecting 85%. I give myself a pat on the back.
Now starts the tough time. The time to show people what I've got. Time to demonstrate my mettle. I hope and pray that I will be successful.

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